Tuesday FinTalks Meetups

Financial conversations for all levels!

Our group of diverse attendees have a wide range of experience on life and finances. Each week at 7:30PM ET/4:30PM PT we discuss financial topics and share our personal experiences.

Guest speakers such as Mr Money Mustache, Doug Cunnington, a retired FBI agent, a family attorney, a pen tester and more have joined our FinTalks for AMA’s and presentations.

We are happy to include new members. Come listen, learn and participate.

Cost: $223/Year

  • Paid yearly and recurring membership.

    • Try out 1 free session!

    • No refunds on the year long membership.

      • * Any refunds are pro-rated minus fees.

  • This is for 48 sessions a year.

  • Recordings are available to FinTalks members only.

  • Member discounts on FinTalks events ($50 off your cruise booking!).

Not sure and want to know more: Hear about FinTalks on the Earn and Invest Podcast!

Sign up for FinTalks

Sign up for FinTalks

Submit your e-mail to learn more about Tuesday FinTalks and join the mailing list.

What people are saying about FinTalks!

  • FinTalks

    Earn & Invest Podcast

    We are used to learning about finance in a 2D world. Maybe we read books, blogs, or listen to podcasts. Well, in the midst of COVID, Amberly Grant decided to start a series of zoom gatherings to talk money. She is joined by Mark Trautman and Monique Smaby to discuss the power of FinTalks.